About Me

Hi there! Thanks a lot for visiting my page. This is my first blog I have but I don't really post quite often. I actually am running three blogs and why I separate them? Because I don't want to bother you, my beloved reader, with some silly personal life story of mine. hehe

I am 22 years old student majoring Information System. I was born and now still live in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. First I made a blog was because it's a task, but now I'm getting a bit addicted in writing as I could express more something inside my head.

This blog is talking mostly about information that I think quite good to be shared. Here I talk mostly about my passion in movies, architecture, Spanish literature, and foods. I write reviews of movies I've watched, telling a bit about the story, just a bit not a whole, with a little comments or my own opinion about the movie. I do love some architecture ideas as well. So every time I see some interesting design, I tried to search some further info, collecting more pictures, and write it down. or whenever I tried some delicious food, I tried to share it too, hoping it could inspire people. Or when I'm learning Spanish, I got new info new knowledge, I write them down too, hoping that it would double my understanding. Yup, as you've read, most of the posts I've posted here are based on my own personal experience. I think that writing my own idea is way better and I also appreciate writing, both book and blogs writing. So I do hope that I could improve my writing skill as well since I want to satisfy the reader as I always want to so as a reader.

I know it's silly that I never even touch or discuss anything about computer nor Information System here, but that's the point. This blog and writing helps me relief from a tiring coding activity hahaha so it should be entertaining.

I write two other blogs that perhaps you want to visit and maybe you want to know more about the silly me on my personal life blog in La Cama de La Reina.
I do like to travel too, so I write some stories about my trips on Sweet Spicy Soy Sauce

Last but not least, since I'm not a native English, I believe there're several mistakes I made and pardon for that :)

Almost forget to tell, I'm a football addict. Here're my two loves

okay, i think that's enough about me :)
need something? just ask me here deeningtyas
or follow me on twitter deeningtyas